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While Latin America's present and future is promising, the region also presents unique challenges for businesses, specifically regarding political instability and criminal activity. 


Latin America offers great opportunities for businesses willing to navigate a dynamic landscape. Particularly in the wake of the supply chain disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic and security risks in the South China Sea over Taiwan, more international firms are looking to build out their footprint in places like Mexico, such as Apple, Tesla, and Unilever.  

While Latin America is promising, it also presents a unique set of challenges for businesses and their leaders, specifically in the realms of political instability and criminal activity.  

Understanding these risks is crucial for any business looking to operate successfully in the region. During our recent webinar on "Mitigating Risks in Latin America for Businesses and Travelers," members of Global Guardian’s intelligence team as well as experts with extensive backgrounds in LATAM shared insights on the issues currently facing the region, as well as what organizations must do to circumvent those hurdles and find success.  

The Current Political Landscape in Latin America 

GG_LATAM Blog_Webinar Graphic-3Latin America is continuing its economic rebound from the negative effects of the pandemic, with strong international economic growth creating significant demand for the region's agricultural products, energy, and natural resources. However, political instability remains a significant concern.  

Countries like Brazil and Mexico, the region's two largest economies, face persistent challenges that impede greater economic and social development. In Mexico, for instance, the recent election of Claudia Sheinbaum raises questions about the continuation of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s policies, particularly his softer approach (“hugs, not bullets”) to dealing with cartels. By contrast, Sheinbaum's tenure as mayor of Mexico City saw a significant reduction in violent crime, achieved by increasing police presence and wages. Businesses must keep an eye on whether she will maintain such strategies or revert to less confrontational methods as head of the country. 

Understanding the political environment and the leaders in each country in Latin America is crucial for business leaders as they assess their prospects — keeping in mind that the region is not monolithic. For example, unlike his counterpart in Mexico, President Bukele in El Salvador has drawn praise for his iron fist-like crackdown on gangs, but due to reported extensive human rights violations, it’s unclear how long this strategy can last or how viable its spread might be.  

Businesses must also consider the regulatory environment, which can change rapidly with shifts in political power. The new president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, faces the challenge of addressing the country's high crime rates and economic instability. His ability to implement effective policies will significantly impact the business climate. 

Political instability can have a profound impact on business operations, affecting everything from supply chains to workforce stability. Corruption and structural inefficiencies increase investment risk and are significant barriers to economic growth and innovation.  

Strategies for Navigating Political Risks in Latin America

To successfully navigate political risks, businesses should: 

  • Thoroughly research the political environment and make risk assessments of each market before making significant investments. Understand the history of political stability, current government policies, and potential future changes that could impact business operations. This includes understanding the broader political environment and local dynamics in specific states or cities where operations are planned. 
  • Implement robust compliance programs to address issues related to corruption and ensure adherence to local laws and regulations. Training local employees on these programs is essential to maintain ethical business practices. 
  • Engage local experts and consultants to stay informed about the latest developments and potential risks. These experts can provide valuable insights and help in forming effective risk mitigation strategies. 
  • Spread investments across multiple countries and regions to minimize exposure to any single political climate. By not putting all their assets in one basket, businesses can reduce the impact of political instability and supply chain issues in any one country on their overall operations. This strategy is particularly effective in regions like Latin America, where political climates can vary widely between neighboring countries. 

By understanding and proactively addressing political risks, businesses can better position themselves to thrive in the complex and often unpredictable environment of Latin America. 

Current Criminal Risks in Latin America 

chart of homicide rates in latin america by country

Despite progress in some countries — El Salvador’s homicide rate fell from over 100 murders per 100,000 residents in 2015 to just 2.4 by 2023 — Latin America remains one of the most violent regions in the world, with organized crime and gang violence posing significant challenges to both residents and businesses in countries like Jamaica and Ecuador. Countries like Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia have long histories of drug trafficking and related violence, which continue to impact their stability and development. In Brazil, cities such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo experience high levels of crime, driven by complex socio-economic factors and the presence of powerful criminal organizations. 

Criminal activities such as theft, extortion, and kidnapping can severely disrupt business operations. In Mexico, the powerful cartels not only control drug trafficking but also engage in widespread extortion and kidnapping, targeting businesses of all sizes. These criminal activities create a pervasive atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, making it challenging for businesses to operate smoothly. 

The cost of implementing security measures can be significant. Companies often need to invest in private security services, secure transportation for goods and employees, and advanced surveillance systems to protect their assets and personnel. Additionally, the threat of corruption within law enforcement agencies can complicate efforts to safeguard business operations. 

Strategies for Mitigating Criminal Risks 

To effectively mitigate criminal risks, business leaders must consider the following actions to safeguard their operations: 

  • Conduct comprehensive security assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities in their operations. This includes evaluating the physical security of facilities, transportation routes, and the safety of employees. 
  • Develop strong relationships with local law enforcement. Building trust and cooperation with these stakeholders can enhance security efforts and improve the overall safety of the business environment. 
  • Utilize technology to enhance security measures. This can include installing surveillance cameras, GPS tracking systems, and alarm systems to monitor and protect assets. 
  • Provide training and resources for personnel based in the region: Do the people who live and work every day in Latin America for your organization know how to handle a situation or deal with a crisis? Provide training and resources such as crisis response plans that put your personnel in the best position to mitigate or report crimes and concerns.  
  • Engage reputable security firms to provide specialized services and expertise in high-risk environments. These firms can offer tailored security solutions, including executive protection, secure transportation, and crisis management. 

With proactive and comprehensive approaches to security, businesses will better navigate the criminal risks present in Latin America and create a safer environment for their operations and employees. 

Taking a Proactive Approach in Latin America 

In an era of unprecedented global connectivity and rapid economic shifts, businesses venturing into Latin America face a landscape rich with potential but fraught with volatility. The encouragement for businesses to adopt proactive strategies for long-term success in this region is not merely a recommendation but a strategic imperative. Proactivity, in this context, transcends traditional risk management – it embodies a forward-thinking approach that anticipates change and leverages it as an opportunity for growth. 

Proactive strategies are the bedrock of business resilience. They empower businesses to move beyond the reactive quagmire of crisis management into a realm where they can preemptively address challenges and capitalize on emerging trends.  

In Latin America, where political and criminal risks can abruptly alter the business environment, those who are prepared to pivot and adapt will inevitably outlast those who are not. The emphasis on proactive strategies underscores the necessity for businesses to cultivate deep local insights, forge robust partnerships, and remain agile in the face of adversity. This forward-looking stance not only safeguards investments but also enhances a company’s ability to thrive in the long term, ensuring that it is not merely surviving but thriving in a complex and dynamic market. 

For more in-depth insights and practical advice on mitigating political and criminal risks in Latin America, watch the full Global Guardian webinar. Learn from industry experts and gain the knowledge you need to safeguard your business and capitalize on the opportunities this dynamic region offers. 

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