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As the World Reopens, Security Challenges Arise

Individuals and corporations need to take a hard look at security systems and protocols to ensure protection against rising crime. As countries take tentative steps toward...
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Real Results: Response When it Matters Most

When faced with a crisis, Global Guardian takes pride in its response. Successfully supporting our clients and their people, no matter the situation, is at the core of our...
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How to Better Prepare for the Next Global Disruption

The COVID-19 pandemic has been the biggest global disruption in most of our lifetimes so far; it will certainly not be the last. As the interval between such disruptions...
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Preparing for Hurricane Season 2021

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has predicted an above-normal Atlantic hurricane season for 2021. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to...
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Travel in the Time of a Pandemic

Slowing rates of COVID-19 infections and rising rates of vaccination in the West mean that restrictions related to the pandemic will gradually start to loosen in this part of...
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Supporting Women’s Safety: We Can All Be Allies

Women’s safety is sometimes viewed as a women’s issue, when in fact it’s a human issue that affects us all. And it’s important that we all take steps to reduce the...
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Service Spotlight: Custom Security Support

While the pandemic initially led to a drastic reduction in violent crime, civil unrest, and mass demonstrations, these risk factors have all seen spikes in the U.S. and...
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The State of Travel: What We Know and What to Expect

The global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic has been expectedly uneven. While some countries are cautiously returning to a new normal, others are being battered by the...
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Responding to India From Within: COVID-19 & A Strained Healthcare System

India is overwhelmed by a deadly second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a mutant strain of the coronavirus tears through the country, causing intense stress on the...
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The Importance of Cyber Security in an Increasingly Virtual World

There has been a sharp increase in cybercrime over the past year as most of us around the world have been forced to spend more time online — often on vulnerable networks — as...
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