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With Global Guardian’s Kidnap, Ransom, and Extortion Services, clients have access to pre-event, real-time and post-event crisis response services. We offer specialized knowledge and a wide range of services to help clients manage their risk landscape.


Individual policies for high-profile travelers


Full protection for your spouse and children


Customized options for corporate, institution, and large groups


There are an estimated 12,500 to 25,000 kidnappings a year worldwide.

It is an unfortunate fact that no one is immune to a kidnapping or extortion threat. A lack of proper coverage at a critical time can result in untold agony and emotional devastation for all parties involved, coupled with the potential for a significant financial loss. Global Guardian can advise and safely address potential blind spots such as:

  • Should the police be contacted
  • Where to set up a meeting
  • Are the police trustworthy
  • How to communicate with kidnappers
  • How to ascertain proof of life
  • How to deliver the ransom


Kidnap and extortion incidents are difficult to predict, but when they occur a swift, organized and expert response is required to ensure the safety of the traveler.


Definition: Taking and holding captive by people who demand a ransom for release.

Example: While traveling overseas for a board meeting, a senior executive’s husband is abducted by a criminal organization who demand ransom from the executive’s company.

Express Kidnap

Definition: Hijack or kidnap for a period of less than 24 hours.

Example: An investment professional traveling in India is forced out of his car by gunpoint while returning to his hotel. The kidnappers force the employee to withdraw cash at nearby ATMs.


Definition: The holding of a person while traveling in a form of public or private transportation.

Example: A senior executive is held for three hours under duress. When the executive is released, he requires special medical and psychiatric support.

Wrongful Detention

Definition: The unlawful or illegal holding of a person by local authority.

Example: Employees detained a casino resort executive in a labor dispute over terms for laid-off staff. Local government authorities refuse to intervene to support the executive.

Disappearance Investigation

Definition: The unexplained vanishing of a member.

Example: A senior engineer executive scheduled to give a presentation out-of-town, fails to show. His wife calls stating she had not had contact with him since his plane landed.

Hostage Taking

Definition: Seizing of an individual with threat of harm unless a third party takes action.

Example: A terrorist organization abducts an employee overseas and demands the host country, United States or other government to release prisoners from their organization.


Definition: The making of illegal threats directly or indirectly.

Example: The CEO of a Fortune 500 company receives threatening phone calls and emails regarding layoffs. The caller threatens the CEO’s family unless demands are met.

Child Abduction

Definition: The wrongful and illegal seizure of a person under the age of 18.

Example: A former nurse abducts a newborn from the hospital.


Comprehensive response capabilities available to assess and respond to the threat, which may include security protection, support from local authorities, emergency relocation, and the client’s safe return home.

Global Guardian’s international network of consultants maintain an intimate knowledge of local cultures, communities and political climates as well as a culturally and politically sensitive approach to resolving all conflicts.

Private Negotiator

Expenses for an independent negotiator

Public Relations

Expenses of an independent public relations consultant and/or interpreter

Specialized Equipment

Costs of communication equipment, recording equipment and advertising

Emergency Relocation

Costs of travel and accommodation incurred


Emergency ResponseGG_Icons-11


Afghan Government Collapse




The collapse of the Afghan government led to the Taliban takeover and left thousands of Afghans in desperate situations attempting to flee the country.


On-the-ground security teams with critical intel informed Duty of Care clients to leave the area 10 days in advance of the government collapse. Hundreds of Afghans were brought to safety via air and ground transportation. Learn More

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Deadly Second Wave of COVID-19




A deadly second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic raged through India, leaving employees stranded without proper medical care and resources.


Upon receiving multiple requests from clients and other corporations with COVID-positive employees in India, the Global Guardian team quickly stepped in to support with around-the-clock and on-the-ground medical resources and solutions. Learn More

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Medical Emergency


Democratic Republic of Congo


Critically ill COVID-19 patient in the Democratic Republic of Congo needing a higher level of medical care required emergency evacuation.


Upon receiving the urgent request, Global Guardian immediately began coordinating the complex emergency evacuation to ensure the patient was transported safely to another hospital location with proper resources. Learn More

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Natural Disaster




Ida hit the Louisiana coast near Port Fourchon on August 29, 2021, as a Category 4 storm, bringing sustained 150 mph winds, a massive storm surge, and torrential rains.


Global Guardian deployed multiple response teams and agents for emergency evacuations. The team set up satellite communication systems and proactively reached out to clients in the area to establish contact and make sure they were aware that Global Guardian was standing by should they need support. Learn More

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Extortion Attempt




While traveling in Peru, an American employee of a corporate client received a cryptic text, followed by a phone call, from an unknown person looking to extort him for a large sum of money.


Working in concert with on-the-ground agents and the corporate client, Global Guardian was able to successfully manage and secure the emergency situation, providing a safe outcome for all parties involved. Learn More

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Myanmar Government Coup




On 1 February, the Myanmar military seized control, declaring a year-long state of emergency. Since then, anti-coup protests have been taking place across Myanmar.


Global Guardian supported clients with a variety of requests, including evacuations, currency assistance, and intelligence briefings. Learn More

Asset Securityasset-security-icon-white


Solar-Powered Security Needed


North Carolina


A commercial builder was mandated by their company's insurance provider to install a 24/7 surveillance solution with appropriate lighting on a 19-acre construction site for the duration of their 23-month construction project.


Upon receiving the request and requirements from the builder, the Global Guardian Asset Security Team immediately conducted an initial site assessment and began designing a comprehensive wireless, solar-powered security solution. Learn More

24/7 Emergency Response Capabilities in 140+ Countries
Expanded Network with Remote Response Capablities
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Additional pre-crisis consulting and training services are always available to clients and families.

The Global Guardian Kidnap, Ransom, and Extortion Services team can address the most complex issues at the highest level of the client’s organization.

Strategic Crisis Planning

Ensuring all clients have the right tools and institutional framework to execute the necessary actions to bring any critical emergency to a safe and successful conclusion.

Executive Resilience Support

Designed to provide executives in-depth understanding of the complex, and often delicate, issues involved in a kidnap incident. Global Guardian’s institutional experience and standardized best practices filter down to the following business units:

− Risk management

− Legal services

− Public relations

− Corporate security

− Human resources

− Business development

Ad Hoc Crisis Response

Supporting clients during a crisis by deploying processes and procedures required to address and urgently implement during the initial stages of a kidnapping.

− Responding to and containing public disclosures and external communications

− Setting up an effectively-manned crisis management response team

− Preparing for and controlling the initial contact from the kidnappers

− Dealing with all stakeholders, including families and business associates

− Developing and executing a negotiation strategy, including details and support with kidnapper communications

Transactional and Compliance

Critical intelligence and stakeholder analysis reducing exposure to fraud and reputational damage.