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Global Guardian's Zev Faintuch Featured in Newsweek


"With simple back of the napkin math, you can determine that Ukraine has more tanks now than it did in early February," Faintuch told Newsweek.

Global Guardian Senior Intelligence Analyst Zev Faintuch discusses the Ukrainian capture of Russian tanks, including how Ukraine’s tank capabilities compare with Russia’s and how this has changed over the course of the war.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured in Newsweek

What Will Putin Do Next? Russian Leader Faces Difficult Choices

"The Russians for all intents and purposes have already lost the war and their best option is to declare 'victory' in these four annexes and request a diplomatic compromise to formally annex the territories listed."

Global Guardian CEO Dale Buckner discusses Russia's next moves in Ukraine and potential outcomes to the war, drawing on insight and intelligence from Global Guardian’s on-the-ground teams in Ukraine and his special forces background.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured in Insurance Business America

Hurricane Ian: Emergency response CEO shares first-hand tale

“When [a storm hits] on the mainland, there are safe zones to pre-posture in. You can get very close with your assets and refuel and house people within a few hours [travel time] of the disaster zone.”

In an Insurance Business America article, CEO Dale Buckner shares how Global Guardian phased its response to Hurricane Ian, first by pre-positioning assets and agents in the area and alerting clients, then by conducting high-water rescue missions. Post-storm, the firm pivoted to supporting clients with damage assessments, onsite security to deter looting, and health and welfare checks.


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Global Guardian Case Study Featured in ITIJ

Assistance in Ukraine – case studies from security providers

In the International Travel and Health Insurance Journal’s latest Assistance & Repatriation Edition, CEO Dale Buckner recounts one high-risk extraction involving over 100 employees of a corporate client and their family members from Kyiv weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While this mission was one of many executed by Global Guardian’s local teams in coordination with its Security Operations Center, the following case study exemplifies the level of detailed risk calculation, on-the-ground intelligence, and coordination needed to provide a real outcome in an uncertain situation.


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Article by SVP Gregory McAleer Featured in ITIJ

Cybersecurity for business travellers

“It matters what you do, where you are, and how you are postured from a security standpoint.”

In a recently published ITIJ article, Global Guardian SVP of Business Operations and Risk Management and former U.S. Secret Service executive Greg McAleer discusses the reasons why every business is at risk for a cyberattack. With malign actors that can strike anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world, organizations need to minimize risk down to their end user—and most importantly, think like the adversary when shoring up cyber defenses.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured on ABC 7NEWS DC

CEO DALE BUCKNER Interviewed From on the ground in Naples, FLorida

CEO Dale Buckner talks to ABC 7News DC about Global Guardian’s efforts in supporting clients impacted by Hurricane Ian: "Desperate people are going to do desperate things and people will take advantage of broken out windows and doors and things being unsecure. It's naturally going to happen. This is a rebuild, not a reconstruction.” 

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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured on CNN

CEO DALE BUCKNER Interviewed From on the ground in Naples, FLOrida

CEO Dale Buckner talks to CNN about Global Guardian’s efforts in supporting clients impacted by Hurricane Ian: “For us, it’s all about speed and response. On Monday we put assets and people in Jacksonville Florida, Miami, Bradenton, Fort Meyers and Naples not knowing where the final storm would hit. Ultimately, once we knew the final path, we adjusted where those assets were. The storm then hit Fort Meyers at about 3:00pm local. By about 7:30pm that evening, we were executing our first high-water emergency response missions to get people out of their homes.”

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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured in Forbes

Saudi Arabia Travel Advice: What To Know Before You Go

"Travelers should assume that communication is monitored at all times. Hotel rooms may also be subject to surveillance and can be accessed without the consent of the guest. Electronic devices may be screened by customs officials on arrival and departure." 

In a recent Forbes article discussing the risks of travel to the KSA, Global Guardian CEO Dale Buckner weighs in on the issue of cyber security in a country known for its surveillance of telephone and email communications.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured on WJCT-FM, Jacksonville's NPR Station

WJCT-FM's "First Coast Connect" Featured Segment at 28:39

“That’s how we’ll transition and phase through, from emergency response to a lot of assessment work, and then we’ll transition to security mode until the power comes back on.”

In a recent interview on Jacksonville’s NPR station, WJCT-FM, CEO Dale Buckner provides insight into the damage and security threats as a result of Hurricane Ian from on the ground in Florida, where Global Guardian has been focused on emergency response and supporting its clients, businesses, and families.

Click below to listen to the show. If interested in skipping ahead, Global Guardian segment begins at 28:39.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured in Bloomberg

Wall Street Banks Prep for Grim China Scenarios Over Taiwan

“Russia has proven to be a template of what you don’t want to happen.” 

In a recent Bloomberg article, Global Guardian CEO Dale Buckner discussed how global financial firms are urgently preparing contingency plans to minimize losses in the event of a conflict between China and Taiwan—and how Global Guardian is assisting clients in this industry to reduce their exposure.


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