'You are on your own': Global Guardian CEO warns of digital threats to U.S. businesses
“We are seeing our Fortune 1000 clients reassess who is key and essential, do they need to be there, should their family be deployed to that country, what do those rotations look like, and what is the risk. All of that calculus is being reevaluated globally for the Fortune 1000 and large European headquarters around the world.”
In a recent interview on Yahoo Finance, CEO Dale Buckner shares information about Global Guardian's recently released 2022 Worldwide Threat Assessment, which highlights the top risks Global Guardian has identified for businesses that operate globally. Dale weighs in on geopolitical issues, including the United State's diminishing global power and influence, the risks of ransomware and cryptocurrency attacks, and the increase in crime across the world—and how these threats impact the security and operations of multinational companies.