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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured on Yahoo Finance

'You are on your own': Global Guardian CEO warns of digital threats to U.S. businesses

“We are seeing our Fortune 1000 clients reassess who is key and essential, do they need to be there, should their family be deployed to that country, what do those rotations look like, and what is the risk. All of that calculus is being reevaluated globally for the Fortune 1000 and large European headquarters around the world.”

In a recent interview on Yahoo Finance, CEO Dale Buckner shares information about Global Guardian's recently released 2022 Worldwide Threat Assessment, which highlights the top risks Global Guardian has identified for businesses that operate globally. Dale weighs in on geopolitical issues, including the United State's diminishing global power and influence, the risks of ransomware and cryptocurrency attacks, and the increase in crime across the world—and how these threats impact the security and operations of multinational companies.  


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured in Security Management Magazine

‘Speed Is Your Security’—Changes and Lessons Learned from Ukraine

If you don’t move quickly, every minute of every day that goes by, exponentially the risk typically goes up until it breaks. It delays and slows our ability to do this safely, securely, and efficiently.”

In a recent article in Security Management Magazine, CEO Dale Buckner discusses how Global Guardian's evacuation and support efforts have evolved almost three months into the war in Ukraine—and shares lessons learned from this crisis so that organizations can better prepare for the next global event.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured on BBC Business Daily Podcast


"No one would look at Paris, France and say, ‘That would be an emergency,’ but sure enough, we had the Paris attacks in 2015 and it was real. No one looks at Turkey and saw a Turkey coup coming. No one sees the next earthquake, the next hurricane, the next tsunami, no one knows what happens tomorrow and no one knows where it’s going to happen."

In a recent interview on the BBC's Business Daily podcast, Global Guardian CEO Dale Buckner shares insight into how the team communicates with and prepares clients for evacuation out of Ukraine—and in other times of crisis—and the continuous growth the firm has seen as corporations look to protect their people and assets amid uncertainty in the world and an evolving threat landscape.

Click below to hear the full podcast. If interested in skipping ahead, Global Guardian segment begins at 11:40.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured on Fox News Radio

Global Guardian CEO Dale Buckner Sits Down with Liz Claman on Fox News Radio

"What we thought the opportunity in the market was: To be comprehensive, do it all, so it's coordinated; don't deploy expats after the fact because you might not be able to get in—meaning have teams on the ground that speak the language, understand the culture, and can maneuver...and lastly, ensure that we would go into these kinds of crises where everyone else was contractually afraid to do it."

In a recent interview on Fox News Radio's Everyone Talks to Liz Claman, Global Guardian CEO Dale Buckner shares his background, including why he choose a career in the military, and how he leveraged his experience to start Global Guardian—and ultimately fill a void left by traditional insurance models to effectively support businesses across the world and their employees. Fast forward to today, Dale discusses the current situation in Ukraine and Global Guardian's evacuation efforts—including one high-profile evacuation in particular early on—and offers insight into what's coming down the road with regards to this crisis.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured on Fox Digital

Former Green Beret helps nearly 8,000 Ukrainians to safety: 'Always looking for the safe zone'

"Unlike my competitors in the insurance market, I don't deploy expats, meaning ex-Secret Service, ex-FBI … I don't deploy people like that. Our teams are standing there. I like to think we were there before the war, we'll be there during the war, and we're going to be there after the war."

In a recent interview on Fox Digital, CEO Dale Buckner weighs in on Global Guardian's efforts in Ukraine, helping the employees of clients—including their families and extended families—evacuate the country since even before the Russian invasion. Dale also shares details about the on-the-ground situation from Global Guardian's local agents.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured in Financial Times

Companies face ethical and logistical challenges to stay in Russia

"Clients were now cutting off some Russian employees’ access to their digital data, he added, asking: 'are they sympathetic to the company or sympathetic to Russia?'"

In a recent Financial Times article, CEO Dale Buckner comments on Global Guardian's evacuations efforts of clients with employees in Russia, as well as retrieval missions to extract proprietary assets, servers, and equipment that could fall into the hands of the state.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured on NPR

In response to the war, Americans flee Russia in droves

"Here's the gritty reality. In all of these evacuations, we've typically had two, no more than four days of warning to tell our clients, 'You're leaving. This is the airport. This is your aircraft. Here's your timeline. Here's your destination.'" 

In a recent NPR interview, CEO Dale Buckner weighs in on Global Guardian's evacuations efforts of clients and their American, European, and Russian employees in Russia, as well as safeguarding the physical assets and proprietary information left behind.


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Global Guardian Featured in Forbes

A Month into The War, This Virginia-Based Firm Is Spiriting People Out of The Ugliness in Ukraine

“This is the wake-up call for multinationals. Just because you have insurance doesn’t mean you’re prepared for crises in a more complicated world.”

In this article, Eric Tegler from Forbes talks to CEO Dale Buckner about Global Guardian's ongoing evacuation efforts of people and physical assets in Ukraine one month into the war and the calculations that go into each mission. Dale also discusses how and why Global Guardian was founded—and how the firm fills the gaps of other duty of care and insurance providers with local teams and assets ready to respond in minutes and hours all around the world.


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured on Fox Business

Odessa, Ukraine ‘next’ as Russian Navy is postured over water: Col. Dale Buckner

In a recent interview with Maria Bartiromo on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business, CEO Dale Buckner weighs in on Russia's advancements in Ukraine based on what Global Guardian's on-the-ground teams are experiencing amid evacuation efforts. Dale also shares insight into Russia's military strategy and possible developments in the situation based on his special forces and military experience. 


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Global Guardian's Dale Buckner Featured in Defense One


In a recent article in Defense One, Global Guardian President and CEO Dale Buckner discusses how the company is actively supporting its clients in Ukraine and shared the details of the evacuation process, including how the team determines if evacuees can be reached, the logistics around the journey, and what the support looks like when the evacuees reach the border. 


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