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In 2024, the global risk landscape will be shaped by high-level geopolitical drivers and regional challenges to include corruption and sectarian-fueled unrest, transnational organized narco-crime, and terrorism—all with the potential to impact multinational organizations and their people. Plus, one significant threat looms in boardrooms around the world: An impending China-Taiwan conflict.

In this year's Global Risk Map, Global Guardian highlights country-specific security risk ratings based on a series of indicators including crime, health, natural disasters, infrastructure, political stability, civil unrest, and terrorism. Additionally, the Taiwan Shock Index (TSI) aims to answer the question: What could happen to countries around the world if a Taiwan Strait Crisis occurs? This map attributes a Low to Extreme categorical risk rating that indicates the degree to which a Taiwan Strait Crisis could destabilize a given country.

Global Risk Map  |  Taiwan Shock Index

*Map last updated October 2023

Global RISK Map

GG RiskMap 2024 Landing Page v1-02

Countries classified as Extreme Risk are actively engaged in conflict, while also experiencing severe criminal activity and civil unrest. These countries are insecure; state institutions are too weak to manage militant groups or large-scale disasters.

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Countries classified as High Risk experience regular conflict, criminal activity, or civil unrest. These countries have weak institutions and are incapable of effectively managing crises.

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Countries classified as Medium Risk are not fully secure. Political instability and inadequate law enforcement make these countries vulnerable to criminality and sporadic unrest. State institutions are often ill-equipped to manage crises.

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Countries classified as Moderate Risk are considered resilient. These countries are capable of quickly and effectively managing most crises and threats to personal security. But criminal activity, terrorism, and natural disasters can impact travel or in-country operations.

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Countries classified as Low Risk are considered highly stable. These countries maintain a strong rule of law and are capable of containing threats to safety and security.


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Key Takeaways

  1. The war between Israel and Hamas will have tremendous second order effects across the Middle East and will halt, if not rollback, the stabilizing influence of the Abraham Accords. 
  2. The political uncertainty, onset of civil conflict, and increase in jihadist activity have resulted in Global Guardian downgrading Niger, Mali, and Sudan in Africa from High to Extreme Risk.
  3. Africa remains the world’s focal point of Jihadist activity. It is the only region where the territory held by and the geographic reach of terror groups is on the rise.
  4. The belt of contiguous countries ranging from Mali through Ethiopia represents the highest concentration of risk, globally. The Sahel is the world's most unstable subregion.
  5. In Latin America, we downgraded both Peru and Ecuador from Medium to High Risk due to instability and in Ecuador's case, a marked increase in gang-related violence.  
  6. El Salvador has become markedly safer, moving from High to Medium risk. Mexico remains at high risk as small changes in the dynamics of the narco-war could threaten the current balance of power and lead to an uptick in violence.

Executive Summary of the 2024 Global Risk Map

Taiwan Shock Index: Sector Snapshots

Our Intelligence Team highlights five sectors that will be notably impacted by a Taiwan Strait Crisis, identifying the risks they may face in the short term and medium to long term.

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