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Emergency Response

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Emergency Response

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem Ipsum

Emergency Response

In 2025, the global risk landscape will be shaped by high-level geopolitical drivers and regional challenges. As such, it's essential that businesses and organizations around the world understand the exposure of their operations and people to these evolving security risks and prepare business continuity plans to ensure resiliency amid global disruption.

To help corporate leaders and travelers better assess the global risk landscape, Global Guardian publishes a yearly global risk assessment. Inside this year's assessment, you'll find: 

The 2025 Global Risk MapWebinar Laptop Graphic-02

  • This risk map displays country-specific security risk levels based on a series of indicators including crime, health, natural disasters, infrastructure, political stability, civil unrest, and terrorism.

Geostrategic Stress Index

  • The Geostrategic Stress Index (GSI) attributes a Low to Extreme categorical risk rating that forecasts the likelihood of a local crisis taking on regional or global dimensions as countries navigate new cold war relations.

Complete the form below to explore the interactive Global Risk Map and download your copy.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What risks are covered in the 2025 Global Risk Map?

The Global Risk Map highlights country-specific security risk ratings based on a series of indicators including crime, health, natural disasters, infrastructure, political stability, civil unrest, and terrorism. The map aims to inform businesses and their travelers on the risks they face abroad. 

What does the Geostrategic Stress Index measure?

The GSI measures a country or territory’s likelihood of experiencing significant foreign-assisted destabilization in the next 5-10 years. Destabilization could present as: 

  • Exacerbation of domestic tensions or unrest  
  • Thawing of frozen conflict precipitated by an outside power 
  • Intensification of conflict through the direct involvement of a foreign paramilitary 
  • Intensification or prolonging of existing conflicts in resource-rich countries as factions are funded by granting extractive concessions.  
  • Exploitation of a regime's instability by a foreign security partner.  
  • Conflicts could become outright proxies for foreign contests. 

Why should my firm care about increasing geopolitical conflict?

 The new Cold War has – with some major exceptions – mostly been conducted through gray zone operations. Gray zone activity is also referred to as covert operations and active measures and includes any action short of war designed to hinder, degrade, or destroy an adversary's power. Gray zone activities frequently target organizations and individuals with no direct affiliation to the state. As countries such as Russia and China increase their espionage efforts across the globe, the risk posed by state and state backed groups to companies grows.  

Do people who only operate in low or moderate risk GSI countries have nothing to worry about?

Risk is the product of probability and impact. Just because the probability of an untoward event is low, it doesn’t mean that a high-impact event cannot occur. Natural disasters, opportunistic crime, and terror attacks can happen almost anywhere, any place, at any time. Proper precautions should always be undertaken ahead of travel. 

When will these high-risk countries on the GSI map become destabilized?

The GSI is forward-looking but uses the most recent data which is from prior years. This means that many high and extreme risk countries have already undergone serious destabilization. The likelihood of destabilization is predicated on the current presence of risk factors. The stronger the factors, the higher the likelihood.